We Do Have Common Ground

We Do Have Common Ground
Refuge, Rest... Peace

Thursday, May 22, 2014

If I Were Commander in Chief

I have no desire to have that mantle, but if I were, the first thing I would do is to call a primetime press conference on a Tuesday evening. I would sit at the desk in the oval office and I would say, "My dear fellow Americans, my brothers and sisters in the great struggle we call freedom. I wish to tell you that we are bringing all of our troops home, in fact many are in route right now. I, as Commander in Chief have issued an immediate evacuation of every foreign military base the world over. I have sent orders to destroy or evacuate every military secret and have relinquished those bases to the powers in who's country they are in. These were our allies and thus we have left them with hardware to protect their borders as they see fit.
I have called on the U.N. General Secretary to call a session and to invite ALL leaders of every country for council. Yes my fellow Americans, ALL leaders, even those we currently deem terrorists. I will stand before the nations of this world and declare that the great nation of the United States will no longer send troops to solve your problems. I will express regrets for many of our foreign policy stands that may have caused harm and detriment to their nations.
Now my fellow Americans, we will use the funds that we will save and keep our men and women in uniform employed but we will employ them to build first. We will put the millions of Americans to work repairing our decaying roads and bridges. 
We will use those funds to spawn new industry. I have counseled congress to appropriate some of the funds for small business owners, true small business owners who have ideas to make the economy better who provide decent jobs. They will have an opportunity to propose business plans and will be given grants based on a good sound plan. We will replenish the Social Security Trust so that it is sound and we hope to restore your trust in us. We will pay down the deficit every year and borrow no more. I will seek congress' help in enacting policy that forbids the treasury from irresponsibly printing money. We will protect your hard earned sacred tax dollars. We will seek to remove FDIC protections from investment banks. It seems that far too many of our nations banks have not fulfilled their charters to serve the communities, but have failed us, thus those who seek to be investors rather than caretakers will be stripped of federal protections from failure.
We will use the funds to teach children how to survive the new economy where specialization is not always the answer. We need wise and flexible individuals entering the labor market. Our teachers will receive an increase in wages, and better tools in which to reach the students.
We will do this America because we are Americans and we have a strong history filled with men and women who were courageous and we have a bright future full of promise.
America, we will focus on the U.S. on US then when we are stronger we will help others by showing them the way, not by force, but by example.
We will promote freedom and ingenuity by the sheer force of example and accountability. We have no fear, we have two oceans, satellites in the sky and courage that protect us from state actors. An ally to the north and a friend to the south. Yes we will have extremism in our midst, but we will regulate this as a police matter and not the military. We will not curtail our freedoms because of fear. We are a people of destiny! Let us rise to the challenges we face and let us rise to the heights of our founding fathers and mothers who left us a great ideal and legacy.
Thank you and God bless the United States of America!"


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