We Do Have Common Ground

We Do Have Common Ground
Refuge, Rest... Peace

Thursday, May 22, 2014

If I Were Commander in Chief

I have no desire to have that mantle, but if I were, the first thing I would do is to call a primetime press conference on a Tuesday evening. I would sit at the desk in the oval office and I would say, "My dear fellow Americans, my brothers and sisters in the great struggle we call freedom. I wish to tell you that we are bringing all of our troops home, in fact many are in route right now. I, as Commander in Chief have issued an immediate evacuation of every foreign military base the world over. I have sent orders to destroy or evacuate every military secret and have relinquished those bases to the powers in who's country they are in. These were our allies and thus we have left them with hardware to protect their borders as they see fit.
I have called on the U.N. General Secretary to call a session and to invite ALL leaders of every country for council. Yes my fellow Americans, ALL leaders, even those we currently deem terrorists. I will stand before the nations of this world and declare that the great nation of the United States will no longer send troops to solve your problems. I will express regrets for many of our foreign policy stands that may have caused harm and detriment to their nations.
Now my fellow Americans, we will use the funds that we will save and keep our men and women in uniform employed but we will employ them to build first. We will put the millions of Americans to work repairing our decaying roads and bridges. 
We will use those funds to spawn new industry. I have counseled congress to appropriate some of the funds for small business owners, true small business owners who have ideas to make the economy better who provide decent jobs. They will have an opportunity to propose business plans and will be given grants based on a good sound plan. We will replenish the Social Security Trust so that it is sound and we hope to restore your trust in us. We will pay down the deficit every year and borrow no more. I will seek congress' help in enacting policy that forbids the treasury from irresponsibly printing money. We will protect your hard earned sacred tax dollars. We will seek to remove FDIC protections from investment banks. It seems that far too many of our nations banks have not fulfilled their charters to serve the communities, but have failed us, thus those who seek to be investors rather than caretakers will be stripped of federal protections from failure.
We will use the funds to teach children how to survive the new economy where specialization is not always the answer. We need wise and flexible individuals entering the labor market. Our teachers will receive an increase in wages, and better tools in which to reach the students.
We will do this America because we are Americans and we have a strong history filled with men and women who were courageous and we have a bright future full of promise.
America, we will focus on the U.S. on US then when we are stronger we will help others by showing them the way, not by force, but by example.
We will promote freedom and ingenuity by the sheer force of example and accountability. We have no fear, we have two oceans, satellites in the sky and courage that protect us from state actors. An ally to the north and a friend to the south. Yes we will have extremism in our midst, but we will regulate this as a police matter and not the military. We will not curtail our freedoms because of fear. We are a people of destiny! Let us rise to the challenges we face and let us rise to the heights of our founding fathers and mothers who left us a great ideal and legacy.
Thank you and God bless the United States of America!"


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ad Hominem

The word means: appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason, or attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.
This is where I would like for us to depart. There is no doubt that each one of us do this at some level. But where I would for us to begin is to drop the Ad Hominem attacks. When we disagree we can do so on the issue and in a gracious manner. Where I see we fail is to simply say, "you're wrong!" And then there is no follow up on an alternative. It is better to reason with one another than to attack with no clear plan to given to the other group or individual to consider.
As we make this journey together there is no doubt that we will have differing views on certain subjects and when we do let us respond to one another with a sense of respect and dignity and let us attempt to find a bases that we can work from. In our discussions please let us not become bitter and angry with one another and if we can't agree on a solution today lets table it for later. Time tends to lend us wisdom and often in the heat of the moment one tends to be blinded by his or her own prejudices. Let us be different from all the other movements that may have failed at this.
I bring this up because a great fear I have is an issue will arise that will divide us, but that's okay that we do not completely agree on all things. When can still discuss and lend support for the cause of good, even if we do not fully see the grand vision of another individual. I appeal to our "better angels", in the words of Abraham Lincoln. I believe that humans are inherently good and can bring about much good in the world. I believe we are stewards of a beautiful world and we being the only animals conscience of their existence are duty bound to take care of all else the planet harbors, for all we can see scientifically, we are all there is in the universe, why not do all in our power to protect it.
Whether you are religious and believe there is a god who placed us here to have dominion or you are an atheist and believe this is all we have, why not make sure our species lives on forever in peace and harmony. I especially appeal to those who feel this is it, we are obligated to make sure planet Earth survives with a race of people who have overcome their tendencies for war, and greed, and hate.
I want to leave this world behind much better not just a little, if for some reason this is it, I want to make sure one million years from now we have left a legacy, that they look back at our generation and say, "Those were the founding fathers and mothers, who made a better world. They are the reason we have peace and that we have sustainable life. They were the ones who provided freedom the world over. They had courage in the face of insurmountable odds."
I have reached out to some for their thoughts on what should be discussed here. I want to recognize those thoughts and if for some reason you have felt I did not do them justice feel free to post a reply and I will post it, I will leave you anonyms if you would like, but I need your voice. I will discuss them more in depth as we go along. 
I have had a few responses they have been, "Why do we spend so much on defense?" and "How come many other countries have found a way to offer healthcare to their citizens and still function, why can't we figure something out?" or "How are they capable of offering higher education for nearly free, while we saddle our people with debt?" I've also heard we should discuss accountability, I believe this is needed among all classes of people, we are responsible for many of our situations. I've also heard we need to discuss how we can help others feel a sense of pride and dignity and character development even though they may be impoverished.
There is so much to do and it really hit home this past Saturday listening to Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror,
"I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right...
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place

Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change..."
I've heard this song 100's of times but I finally got what he was trying to say. All the things we say we want to see change, you must then start with yourself! This is why I started this. I'm gonna make a change!
As always lets start with what we have in common which right now is that the world is speeding to the abyss.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Welcome To Common Ground

"Jesse Owens taught not only me, but many of us some important lessons: to strive for excellence and to encourage communication across borders; or to ignore the political boundaries that otherwise separate us." This was a quote from a German citizen on a documentary presented by the PBS program "American Experience". I take it that because I'm looking to motivate others to join me that I see these words everywhere now.

I decided that my "Bread of Life" blog is not the appropriate avenue for what I am attempting to do as that it may be a roadblock for those who may not be religious. I must be upfront with you, I do wish that many would join me in following Christ. I am commanded by Him to spread His teachings. But I am also under obligation to help people in a temporal way. And at present I am feeling the need to focus more heavily on the temporal state of my brothers and sisters world wide. I look around at our society and I fear that we are headed down a path that will leave the world in shambles for our children. We owe them to change course.

We, united can be a force for good. I have this fire in me that is motivating me to be an advocate for those who may be less fortunate. There are many causes that are available for us to take up. This is the reason why I had someone create the symbol you see. I ask that you take up this symbol and spread it abroad. For we are "COMMON GROUND" use it with a hash tag.

The symbolism is this: The roots are connected to common ground and the tree is fed and sustained by the common ground we all share. The base of the tree represents strength. The birds are rest, refuge and peace. The leaves are a representation of how this movement will flourish and it will give back just as trees give us clean oxygen to breathe.

My vision is that this movement will take up any worthy cause. That it will be a power and when action is needed we will bring that power to bear. This is not a political movement but we must realize that politics are everywhere and we must operate in the system that we have until we change that system. I foresee this movement forcing our elected leaders to change course and to focus on real issues instead of keeping us segregated on matters that do not really matter. This is more a social movement.

Everyone that I speak with believes that the entire world is moving too fast and in the wrong direction. We all feel helpless because we believe that our individual voice is not enough. We all agree we need better and more courageous leaders and we long for a MLK or a Gandhi. What I am coming to realize is that we must be who we want. I have attempted in the last few weeks to change my life even more to be a better  Husband and Father and to make it where people would trust me with their hopes and dreams. I don't want to be a morally bankrupt leader or a hypocrite. We have plenty of those already.

Enough talking about change lets get together and really change. I know each of you has ideas and ideals of how you would like to see things. What are they? Lets make a plan of how we can make them reality. Because that we have different experiences we will each have different goals and passions. Mine is the state of my people. What I saw and participated in growing up was unreal! No more children should have to deal with the pressures of poverty and violence. Help me help my people. I will help you with your passions and one day we will be able to look back at our fruits and see how far we have come.

I know this will be a long hard fought battle and the first step will be the hardest. The question now is how? How do we do this? Where do we start? You ready?

Our anthem is #COMMONGROUND!